Raid boss stats

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Raid boss stats

Post by flameseeker »


I was checking the stats from some raid bosses and some of them seem to be wrong
i imagine this has to do with PMfun database but unfortunately PMfun has all chronicles database mixed

L2hub has more accurate statistics on stats of monsters/mobs
because it has separated the chronicles up to interlude in their database

i give you an example only for now but i can post more if you want See the current one on the server

Doom blade Tanatos - Level 72 RB
on the current live server it has:
HP: 766920
Pattack: 7283
Pdef: 3933 (What the hell? )
Crit: 40
Att.speed 278
Max mp 3274
M.attack 5242
M Def 1597
Evasion 126
etc etc

i believe the correct stats should be :

The drop list is correct in almost all

There are many RBs like this, i am more than happy to post anything i find, let me know

Happy new year
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Re: Raid boss stats

Post by genata »

Happy New Year!
In the Frozzen database, the raid bosses are wrong, and yes, they are fixed according to the pmfun database, which I still consider to be the closest to the original. I doubt I missed anyone, but it is still possible. In the server settings there are two options - hard to kill and easy to kill, and on all three servers the second setting is active. In this way, we are still far from the original game, but not much, and a raid boss can be easily taken down with a mage party. And in the official interlude years ago when we played the scheme with RB was similar.
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Re: Raid boss stats

Post by puccalino »

Morning Fellas Tanatos stats seems about right considering the server concept is to keep the game as similar as it was back in 2006 which means the majority of the server features are related to the first version release, not to the second version release before GF (gracial final patch). The most accurate websites for DB statistics you could use are as following:
Drop and NPC abilities these lads do have this site since IL has dropped.
NPC Location/stat/drop, Quest and other relatively correct info is at although Keep in mind while viewing certain things yo select Interlude as in few occasions Gracia and Hellbound do not represent same results.
As for the statistics of Tanatos stats they seem right, he was always easy kill with the right equipment. (Especially if melee you have 3 buffs which add Holy attack dmg boost +Blunt weakness). As for mages you just need good kite that doesn't get OP cancel. here's more detailed view on his abilities although his stats Represents C4 not Interlude.
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